DS Conversion is an app, to solve data structure string using string conversion algorithms. You can solve evaluate postfix expression and generate a binary tree for the nodes entered. Key features of the app are:» String Conversion - Enter a string and click on the Convert button to get the conversion result. User has to select one of the options available: - Infix to Postfix Conversion - Postfix to Infix Conversion - Prefix to Infix Conversion - Postfix to Prefix Conversion - Prefix to Postfix Conversion» Evaluate Postfix Expression - Enter space-separated numeric value along with the necessary operator and click on the Evaluate button to get the result.» Solved Examples - Click on one of the given string value. The app shows the stack trace of the selected example. The result shows table of stack trace with the following details; - Input Symbol - Content of Stack - Reverse Polish notation - Rank» Generate Binary Tree - Here you will be able to generate a binary tree for nodes entered. The app automatically generates a sequence of nodes in InOrder, PreOrder, and PostOrder form. Click on the Generate Tree button, to view the generated Binary Tree.» Share your calculation with your friends and family. » Simple and easy to use----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This App is developed at ASWDC by Pankti Dholakia (160540107100), 6th-semester CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.Call us: +91-97277-47317Write to us:
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